Instagram content ideas

5 Great Content Ideas for Instagram

Every social media channel has a prominent influence on the marketing prospects for a business. In the present times, the popularity of Instagram clearly indicates reasons for which businesses look for innovative Instagram content ideas.

In the brand-building process, you must know the intricacies of Instagram for ensuring a successful social media strategy. If you think that posting brand photos and videos would be sufficient enough to capture the attention of your target audience, then you are harboring a grave misconception.

It is highly crucial for every business to plan its social media marketing strategy in advance. Most important of all, the key to success on Instagram is to tailor strategies according to existing trends. In this article, I will tell the top five creative Instagram content ideas for business that can drive brand building and audience reach.

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Top 5 Creative Content Ideas for Instagram

1. Serve Information to Your Audience

The most effective type of content that you can try out on Instagram refers to ‘How-to’ content. You can create posts for educating your brand’s followers regarding industry best practices. The ‘How-to’ posts can help your audience understand the ways to use your product better. Such type of Instagram content ideas can also be very helpful in presenting information about new and productive ways of using your products.

For example, in the field of technology, it could be a brief tutorial about your new software. In the case of the food and beverage industry, it could be a new recipe. Businesses can be able to target the ideal customers in their niche with ‘How-to’ content on Instagram, by providing them with the information they were looking for.

So, you can clearly perceive the potential for engagement on the ‘How-to’ type of content on Instagram. In addition, you can also establish the identity of your business brand as an industry expert.

2. Bring the Audience Closer to Your Brand

Another trending and highly interactive option among Instagram content ideas is to go behind the scenes. Your audience is curious about your business once they are on your feed. So, they want to know everything about you, your brand, the people working and the whole clockwork operating your business.

The use of photography for the Instagram content of a business is generally limited to high-end product shots. However, it could alternatively serve a vital purpose in breaking the fourth wall. Let your audience inside your brand’s house. Shoot engaging videos showcasing the company culture, personal highlights about the team and business.

You can improvise by adding sneak peeks into some creative processes, office parties or preparations for an upcoming presentation. Such type of posts can immediately hit a personal connection with your brand’s audience. You can also put together stories on Instagram with photos and videos of your employees working as a team.

Most important of all, the primary focus in creating ‘behind-the-scenes’ content for Instagram posts of a business should be on associating it with a story.

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3. User-Generated Content

The next top mention among Instagram post ideas for likes refers to user-generated content. You should always involve the audience in the brand building journey, especially with the functionalities offered by Instagram. User-generated content is gradually gaining popularity among different types of content on social media.

Furthermore, it also has the potential of driving 70% higher engagement, thereby validating its identity as branded content. You can encourage your audience to post images and videos of your brand and develop unique brand communities. Simple hashtags for user-generated content campaigns and a compelling call to actions would do the trick in achieving you desired engagement on Instagram.

4. Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways could also be top Instagram content ideas to drive user engagement. The initial costs in planning and promotion of such contests could be very intensive. However, hosting contests on your brand’s profile can help you increase engagement quickly and develop your audience.

Such type of content on Instagram can get more likes due to the evident incentive for liking and commenting on a post. Call to action for tagging friends in a contest could also expand the reach of the contest type content ideas on Instagram.

5. Share Memories

The final yet one of the trustworthy content ideas for Instagram refer to sharing memories. You can share images and videos of events in the past in your business and your journey in the industry till now. With a little dash of creativity, you can establish a better and personal connection between the brand and your audience with such Instagram content.

Are You Ready to Create Instagram Content for Your Business?

The above-mentioned ideas are some of the top Instagram content ideas for 2020. The effectiveness of these ideas primarily relies on establishing a personal bond with the audience and providing value. The demonstration of company culture and the journey of your brand through Instagram content provide a personal appeal to your audience.

On the other hand, ‘How-to’ content and contest posts on Instagram provide value in the form of information and contest benefits. There are many other ideas for creating appealing Instagram content that you can explore.

The changes in trends of user engagement on Instagram dictate the effectiveness of different content ideas. So, choose carefully and plan according to your social media marketing strategy.

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